[home] other = 'Home' [home-page-description] other="Leonardo Murça Webpage" [my-name-is] other="Hi, my name is" [home-introduction] other="I write good software that looks great, feels fantastic, and functions correctly. Web and Android development are my expeciallities. Reach me out!" [my-projects] other="Projects" [my-projects-description] other="Freelance and side projects." [posted-on] other="Posted on " [posts] other="Posts" [post-date-format] other="Jan 2, 2006" [single-post-date-format] other="Jan 2, 2006" [embroidery-viewer-title] other="Embroidery Viewer" [embroidery-viewer-description] other="A free online tool to view embroidery files built with Svelte." [vumbora-startups-title] other="Vum Bora Startups" [vumbora-startups-description] other="Landing page and a CMS for a project that capacitates, axcelerates and reward business with growth potential." [programa-tir-title] other="TIR Program" [programa-tir-description] other="Landing page for a program that selects Brazilian projects and offers support of up to R$500 thousand and training." [copyright] other="Leonardo Murça All rights reserved" [rss-description-recent-content] other="Recent content" [rss-in] other="in" [rss-on] other="on" [all-rights-reserved] other="All rights reserved"